October 23, 2008

Do horses go to heaven?

I am not suppose to be typing. Strict orders about my shoulder, but I could not let this go without sharing it with you. So, shhhhh on the 'illegal typing'.

Tonight Jeff and I went to the visitation for my nephew, Michael at the funeral home. The place was packed with family and friends. It was a precious sight to see. As Jeff and I stood, saying our last goodbyes to Michael, a little girl about 7 or 8 came up to us. She didn't know me, but I recognized her right away. She was the spitting image of her mother, Lisa, who is Michael's older cousin on his mother's side. The little girl came and stood between us and Michael and then looked at Michael and looked closely at us and said, "are you friends of his?" I said, "I am his Aunt Julie, his daddy's sister." She said, "Oh." And then paused for a second, "Did you know that Michael's horse also died in the accident?" I said, yes. Then she said the sweetest thing I will probably ever hear. This little girl said something profound. She said, "I am so happy that Michael knew Jesus and asked Him into his heart so now he can live in heaven. I think he is probably riding his horse right now and he is happy."

I really can't add anything to that. God is good and loving and gracious and even this little girl can see that. Oh, that we could all have the trust and certainty of a little child.

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